The Brahman in Namibia

Over the past 60 years the Brahman has dramatically influenced and changed the composition of the Namibian national cattle herd. This is due to its ability to cross so well with virtually any other breed of cattle as well as its hardiness and adaptability, that allow them to thrive in the harsh Namibian conditions.

The Namibian Brahman Breeders Society is dedicated to serving the interest of the Brahman breed in Namibia. The council, selected out of and by the members of the society, is continuously striving to improve our service to both the breed and breeders through marketing, research, training, use of modern technology, etc. The NBBS is currently the largest breeders society in Namibia and the member count is growing year after year.


Namibian Brahmans – Beef it up – adapted breed for Africa
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Latest update from NBBS:
September 2023 - AgriForum October2023 - Brahman Section
Genomika-projek se tweede fase skop af

Die verfyning van teeltegnologie breek eersdaags? aan wanneer die tweede fase van Suider-Afrika se vleisbees-genomikaprojek (BGP2) afskop. Die uitbreiding van verwysingspopulasies sal hierdie keer fokus op ekonomies belangrike eienskappe wa ...Read More

+264 (0)61 240 573

+264 (0)88 643 348

Postal Address:
Namibian Brahman Breeders Society
PO Box 11790
Klein Windhoek