June 2022 - AgriForum September 2022 - Brahman Bylae CLIMATE CHANGE: The true value of cattle
Far greater than the production of beef, the
true value of cattle lies in addressing climate
change, which threatens the future of citybased
civilisation including all businesses and
economies, said Allan Savory in his keynote address
at the rec ...Read More
June 2022 - AgriForum - Brahman Bylae Agra se Paul Klein gee terugvoer oor stoetveilings.
Die Brahman-ras se sterk teenwoordigheid in die Namibiese vleisbedryf het opnuut op die voorgrond getree tydens terugvoer oor Agra-stoetbeesveilings op die Brahman-beoordelaarskonferensie en die jaarlikse telersdag wat onderskeidelik begin ...Read More